February Nature Happenings![](/download/14154.jpg)
• Anna's and Costa's hummingbirds are continuing their mating and nesting activities. Some Anna's hummingbirds have been nesting since as early as December
• Great Backyard Bird Count, mid-month, http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc
• Project FeederWatch continues http://www.birds.cornell.edu/pfw
• February is National Bird Feeding Month
• Gila woodpeckers will begin laying eggs in holes of trees and saguaros.
• Sandhill Cranes are leaving the Bosque del Apache and heading north.
• Harris' Antelope squirrels begin giving birth underground.
• Great-horned owls begin nesting.
• The first wildflowers begin popping in the western deserts around Organ Pipe Nt'l Monument providing winter rains have been adequate..
• Lizards can be seen basking in the sun on the occasional warm day.
• Cold, winter rains - occasionally containing sleet - can increase goldfinch activity at feeders..
• Bald Eagles present in local mountains.
• Heavy feeder activity as birds molt, sing, defend territory and build nests.
• Sara orange-tip and Pima orange-tip butterflies begin flying as spring nears.