January Nature Happenings
• Project FeederWatch continues
• Give woodpeckers, cardinals, pyrrhuloxia and cactus wrens the calories they need by providing suet.
• Look for over-wintering Yellow-rumped Warblers at your water source, suet and mealworm feeders.
• Adult Heermann's Gulls leave for Mexico (reverse migration).
• Bald Eagles are present in the local mountains
• Packrats begin their breeding season.
• Harris's hawks begin laying eggs..
• Desert succulents are busy soaking up as much moisture from winter rains as their roots and stems can hold.
• Flocks of sandhill cranes numbering in the tens of thousands are wintering on the Willcox Playa in southeastern AZ.
• First Anna's hummingbirds fledge; keep feeders full and clean.
• Curve-billed thrashers and Northern mockingbirds begin singing their territorial songs and nesting late in the month.
• Start planning your butterfly and bird gardens this month.
• Wintering sparrows such as Brewer's and Vesper are common (in desert grassland areas